Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Aquatic Center - Rotorua, NZ

Well, I got to this meeting a few minutes late b/c I was tied up doing some things for my real job back in Canada but I did get there in time to hear about the center and tour through it.  The director of the center was who wanted to go about “doing the right thing” and voluntarily implemented all the programs they have for the sustainability accreditation, the “Qualmark” - “Enviro-Gold” and “Endorsed Visitor Activity” endorsements.  Additionally, from a water conservation perspective, in 2008 a water audit was done and the combined tradewaste and water by meter savings for a 3 month period from May-June was $5789.  Annual saving forecasted was a 24% reduction.  Further savings of $6211 was identified through leak detection and isolation totaling $12,194.  They actually charge people a fee if they do not take out their own rubbish.  They also have a recycling program in place.
From an energy savings perspective, all heating of the pool water, hot water, and complex is provided through geo-thermal.  This provides a considerable financial benefit in that there are no heating costs incurred.  There are however energy costs for pumping ventilation (running of the air handlers) and lighting.  Rotorua essentially sits atop a live volcano which obviously make good for the geo-thermal heating.  When you drive through town, there are all these pipes sticking out of the ground with stem coming out of them…my theory is so it doesn’t erupt.

Finally, she even showed us their employee vegetable garden and I ate one of the cherry tomatoes…rather tasty if I say so myself.

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Grapevine, TX, United States
